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There are numerous organizations at and affiliated with Columbia intended to encourage and facilitate entrepreneurship at Columbia. Some are specific to a division or school, most are targeted at students, many have overlapping target constituencies.

At Columbia


Student Groups

Administrative Initiatives


  1. CS
    1. PIE
  2. ENG
    1. minor in entrepreneurship
      1. Required Courses:

        1. ENGI E2261: Introduction to accounting and finance (3.0 points)
BUSI W3021: Marketing and marketing management (3.0 points)

        3. IEOR E4998: Managing technological innovation and entrepreneurship (3.0 points)
      2. Electives (either two courses from list A or one course from list A and one from list B):
        1. A: Engineering electives (at least one)

          1. CHEN E4020: "Protection of Industrial and Business Property" (3.0 points)
          2. CIEN E4136: "Entrepreneurship in Civil Engineering and Construction" (3.0 points)

          3. COMS W4444: "Programming and Problem Solving" (3.0 points)

          4. BMEN E3998: "Projects in Biomedical Engineering" (3.0 points)

          5. IEOR E4550: "Entrepreneurial Business Creation for Engineers" (3.0 points)

          6. ISME E4310: "The manufacturing enterprise" (3.0 points)
          7. SCNC W3010: "Science, Technology, and Society" (3.0 points)
 URBS V3310: "Science and Technology in Urban Environments" (3.0 points)
 (but not both)
        2. B: Other electives (no more than one)

          1. ECIE E4280: "Corporate Finance" (3.0 points)

          2. IEOR W4308: "Industrial Budgeting and Finance Control" (3.0 points)


Student Groups

  1. technology business group, 200 members
  2. CEO
  3. PEVC

Administrative Initiatives

  1. lang center, aka lang foundation
  2. career management center




Affiliated with Columbia

  1. CVC (2006-; 1,212 members): a meetup group mostly active among alumni. Open to all CU affiliates.

NYC-based, independent, but open to Columbia affiliates


NY technology M

other NYC university groups

  1. NYUVC (?; ? members):