Saaket Pradhan

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Saaket Pradhan is the Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) Class of 2016 President. An ever-smiling kid, he is always seen in Butler Library late at night. It is rumored that he doesn't sleep at all. He says he is from Ohio, but no one is sure. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Columbia Undergraduate Law Review (CULR). A very approachable person, Saaket has been known to ask you if you want to go to JJ's with him.

A proud member of the Class of 2016, Saaket is known for (and never stops talking about) the 2016 Winter Carnival. He also loves his freshman floor, John Jay 7 like none other. Saaket has an amazing smile, and you can't really get mad at him when he smiles at you. His jokes on the other hand, have some room for improvement. His signature once won a Pulitzer Prize.

Pradhan has also been rumored to send oddly-brusque emails to people who are no-shows for his events.

Preceded by
Kareem Carryl
President of the Columbia College Class of 2016 
Succeeded by
Jordana Narin