Student groups

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Revision as of 22:19, 6 March 2007 by (talk) (Added Yavneh)
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This page lists all student clubs at Columbia that:

  • have a website,
  • have held a meeting or event in the past month or two,
  • but don't yet have a page on WikiCU.

Clubs that already have a page on WikiCU can be found in Category:Clubs.

Academic, debate, pre-professional

  • Political Science Student Association (PSSA) [1]
  • Economics Society [2]
  • Financial Investment Group [3]
  • Columbia Organization of Rising Entrepreneurs (CORE) [4]

Art, music, theatre

  • Clefhangers [5]
  • Kingsmen [6]
  • Metrotones [7]
  • Nonsequitur [8]
  • Uptown Vocal [9]

Activism, politics, community service

  • College Democrats [10]
  • College Republicans [11]
  • Columbia College Libertarians [12]
  • Community Impact [13]

Publications, radio, television

  • Columbia Television (CTV) [14]
  • WKCR [15]
  • WBAR [16]
  • Columbia Undergraduate "Science" Journal [17]
  • The Fed [18]
  • Columbia Political Review [19]
  • The Current [20]
  • Jester of Columbia [21]

Religious, spiritual

Which ones are active?

  • Yavneh (Orthodox Jews) [22]

Cultural, regional

  • Chicano Caucus [23]
  • Black Students Organization (BSO) [24]
  • French Cultural Society [25]

Student government

  • Activities Board at Columbia (ABC) [26]
  • CC Class Councils
  • Engineering Student Council (ESC) [30]
  • SEAS Class Councils
  • General Studies Student Council (GSSC) [35]


Which ones are active? Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Beta Theta Pi, Delta Gamma, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Sigma Theta (Rho Chapter), Kappa Alpha Psi, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta Rho, Kappa Phi Lambda, Lambda Phi Epsilon, Lambda Upsilon Lambda, Phi Epsilon Pi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Iota Alpha, Pi Delta Psi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Delta Tau, Sigma Iota Alpha, Sigma Lambda Upsilson, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Nu Xi, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi

Sex, sexuality

  • Conversio Virium [36]