Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid

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The Committee on Admissions and Financial Aid (CAFA) is a committee. It reports to the Provost.

According to Provost John Coatsworth's announcement of its [re]creation, "[t]he purpose of the committee is to provide faculty insight and advice on admissions and financial aid policies and procedures in the College and the School of Engineering and Applied Science." The committee will advise on "admissions criteria... diversity... programs used to assemble the undergraduate student body... recruitment initiatives ... [and] financial aid policies that enable the achievement of admissions goals."

The committee is composed of all faculty members, and no students. Campus news outlets and student leaders questioned why two professional school faculty members were on the committee, but no students.[1]


It used to exist—and included student representatives, whom CCSC believed played a crucial role during the 1992 financial aid crisis). Then it didn't exist. As as of 2012, it exists again, without students, despite that the 1978 Stated Rules require student representation[2].
