Daniel Listwa

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Daniel Listwa (CC'15) is a 2015 recipient of the George J. Mitchell Scholarship. Daniel is from East Brunswick, New Jersey and was a John Jay Scholar majoring in Economics and Philosophy, and concentrating in Business Management.[1]

Columbia Involvement

In the wake of the nuclear reactor meltdown in Japan in 2011, Daniel was part of a research team based at the European Council for Nuclear Research in Switzerland, tasked with studying the state of nuclear policy. He shifted the team’s focus from observation to countering the effects of a fear-inducing media to prevent government policy shifts based on emotion. He subsequently co-founded and served as Assistant Director of the K1 Project at Columbia University, a center for the study of nuclear-related issues, aiming to promote informed debate about nuclear technologies to garner support for disarmament and sustainable energy policies.[2]

Daniel also served as Editor-in-Chief of The Columbia Economics Review (CER), the oldest undergraduate economics journal in the U.S., which publishes academic student papers from around the world and maintains an online magazine. During his tenure, CER significantly increased in size and prominence, facilitated in part by the creation of Economicus, the organization's online magazine.[3]

Daniel's other extracurricular involvement included the Gadfly, Journal of Philosophy, for which he was a writer and editor, the Columbia Review, and Koach.[4]

Daniel was the Key Note speaker at the 2015 John Jay Awards Dinner. He was also the 2015 winner of the Albert Asher Green Memorial Prize.[5]

He went on to attend Yale law.
