Judd Gregg

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See also Wikipedia's article about "Judd Gregg".

Judd Gregg CC '69 is a Republican Senator from New Hampshire. He has also served as a Representative from and a Governor of the state.

After graduating from exclusive Exeter, Gregg came to Columbia because it was located in the "biggest city [he] could find", having never visited campus and barely glancing at the brochure. Despite his staunch conservatism, and though he avoided the 1968 protests, Gregg was fond of soaking up the activist atmosphere in New York while at Columbia. An avid urban explorer, he jokes he majored in "subway studies" and spent much of his time in the city's museums. Despite a fondness for art history, he eventually majored in English.

After graduation, Gregg returned to New England, attending Boston University law school and eventually moving back to his home state.

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