Cornell University

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Cornell students visit Ithaca's beautiful gorges to engage in their school's most popular pastime: drowning

Cornell University is New York State's Ivy League school. Located in some far-off upstate wilderness, it's known for being people who got into Columbia, but would just....rather not go there. They have a SUNY agriculture school, and a hotel management academy. In addition, it was recently discovered that they have an "Interior Design" major. And it's not even in the Hotel School.

Cornell students are often noted for down to earthness, something hard to find in other Ivy League schools, like Columbia. For example, when alumni from each of the eight Ivy League schools were asked where they attended college, they responded:

Harvard Grad: I attended Harvard University, where they hand out A's.
Yale Grad: I went to Yale, where they hand out A's.
Princeton Grad: I went to Princeton, where they hand out A's.
Columbia Grad: I went to Columbia, where they hand out A's.
Dartmouth Grad: I went to Dartmouth, I think.
Brown Grad: I went to Brown, where I don't pick a major.
Penn Grad: I went to Penn...the Ivy League, not the state school.
Cornell Grad: I went to Cornell, where we had to work hard for our education.

Cornell students also tend to don "Ithaca Is Gorges" shirts. These reflect pride in the university's dramatic rate of picturesque gorgess, in which it rivals NYU.