Julia Stiles

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Julia Stiles
See also Wikipedia's article about "Julia Stiles".

Julia Stiles, CC '05, is an actress famous for several teen movies. She lived in John Jay her freshman year and supposedly set her kitchen on fire once.

On an appearance on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" in 2002, she compared the employees of John Jay Dining Hall to "mole people"[1], causing a campus uproar and forcing Stiles to apologize and shoot back with a fiery editorial in the Spec.[2]

She is also an avid Mets fan, which ought to be unsurprising, given the Mets' surprising popularity on the Morningside Heights campus.

In 2010, she received a John Jay Award.


  1. Fansite republication of Seventeen Article which discusses "mole people" incident
  2. "Enough is Enough", Julia Stiles, Columbia Spectator. 2/22/01